I wrote a book about how to be human in an increasingly automated world.

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The mad scientist is in to maximize human potential, what problem are we solving today?

I’m Vivienne Ming — theoretical neuroscientist, entrepreneur, author, and mother of two.

I build cyborgs to make better humans

That single focus has launched a dozen companies and non-profits using my AI inventions. 

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About me

Let’s answer the question, “How do we robot-proof our kids, ourselves, and our society?”

Robot-Proof is a book about people. We are the complex, flawed central characters in this story. In it, we will explore what it means to be human in an increasingly automated world. We need to understand the ugly and the amazing of how real people, companies, and societies will respond to the changes that are already taking hold. This story is much less about how AI will change our world and much more about how we can drive those changes toward a human-centered future.

A Free Pre-order of “How to Robot-Proof Your Kids”

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I travel the world sharing the ways we can maximize human potential together.

Watch some of my most popular keynotes about AI, entrepreneurship, workplace inclusivity, and neuroscience without leaving your desk.

Feeling inspired? You’re not alone. Each year, Vivienne travels the world sharing her stories with organizations like Google, Deloitte, and Salesforce.

book vivienne

Building a better world is a collective effort.

Join the Academy of Mad Scientists to be a part of my work. 

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